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What Career in Health Information Technology is Right for Me?

By the end of December last year, healthcare continued to add job openings. Opportunities for employment in the industry are increasing rapidly, particularly in health information technology or HIT. In 2023, when other industries are laying off IT workers, healthcare is still hiring.

If you’re considering a career in HIT, now is the time. But what type of role is right for you?

Hot Jobs in HIT

Choosing an IT job in healthcare depends on your interests, skills, and goals. Here are some of the most popular tech jobs in healthcare today:

Health Information Technicians

HITs use software to gather, collate, organize, and manage patient data. This work includes everything from individual medical histories and test results, treatment plan data, or patient cohort information, such as the instances of sepsis patients in a hospital setting. As healthcare moves toward data-driven decision-making, health information technology will play a vital role in the future.

Medical Coders

Medical Coders literally help doctors get paid. These professionals help process insurance claims for healthcare coverage. Each service a patient receives must be coded so that the insurance payer will reimburse the doctor for the care they provide. A medical coder must have extensive attention to detail and a love of technology to do this job.

Programmer Analysts

These analysts create and conduct testing processes for an organization’s software applications. This testing usually involves writing code using computer programming languages, then using that code to test software. These professionals aim to ensure that the IT tools deployed in their organizations are functioning effectively.

Chief Information Officers

Chief Information Officers serve as top-level executives in an IT department. This role could also be called a CTO or chief technology officer. CIOs oversee the entire organization’s IT use to determine how they can improve in areas as diverse as customer service to cybersecurity.

Clinical Analysts

Clinical Analysts design and implement clinical systems, from electronic medical records (EMRs) to computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems. This role requires a love of math, strong technical skill, and an understanding of clinical workflows in a hospital setting.

Health Information Technology Consultants

These consultants offer advice to healthcare organizations on the selection of HIT systems. These consultants also roadmap an implementation or establish steps to optimize these systems after they’ve been installed. Many times, these positions are with third-party vendors or consulting firms. In these cases, the position may require travel.

Data Analysts

Data Analysts are the backbone of most healthcare IT teams. These professionals use sophisticated software tools to identify trends and patterns in the data. For example, these professionals could analyze a patient cohort to spot trends in care delivery. Or, they could analyze how quickly a hospital turns over beds to streamline workflows. No matter the effort, these positions require strong analytical and statistical skills.

Join the HIT Industry Today

Bluebird Staffing has these and other IT roles in our hot jobs list. We partner with IT professionals to help them further their careers. Talk with our team today to find out how we can help.

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