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Soft Skills to Improve to Help Get You a Better Job

Employers benefit when they pay more attention to soft skills, according to a Harris Poll. In fact, they’re willing to upskill workers with soft skills over hiring new employees with the hard skills they need. But what are soft skills? Do you have them? This blog will help you understand why your soft skills are more than marketable to employers—and may help you land a new job.

What Are Soft Skills?

Soft skills are non-technical abilities related to interacting and working effectively with others. These skills are harder to learn, and some may be instinctive. Soft skills are often considered essential for workplace success, as they can help individuals build positive relationships, manage conflict, and work effectively in teams. Studies show 91% of HR professionals say soft skills are essential candidate skills.

Soft skills include:

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Teamwork
  • Time management
  • Leadership

One study surveyed hundreds of HR teams and found the soft skills most in demand by employers include:

  • Problem-solving (62%)
  • Adaptability (49%)
  • Time management (48%)

What soft skills are most in demand this year? Can highlighting these skills on your resume and in an interview help you find a new job?

How are Soft Skills Different from Hard Skills?

Both hard and soft skills are important for success in the workplace. But they are very different. You know, soft skills are the interpersonal traits that help us get along in a team environment. Hard skills are the technical abilities related to a person’s job. Examples of hard skills include:

  • Accounting
  • Data analysis
  • Design
  • Programming
  • Project management

Hard skills are easier to measure, while soft skills are more general personal attributes related to how you interact with your peers. Employers need and want hard and soft skills, but hard skills can be taught while soft skills are often intuitive.

Most In-Demand Soft Skills for 2023

Some of the soft skills employers are looking for this year include:

  • Communication skills, both written and verbal, are highly valued by employers no matter your field.
  • Adaptability is critical in a fast-paced modern economy. Employers look for candidates who can adapt to evolving situations and new on-the-job tasks.
  • Problem-solving makes employees highly valuable, whether they are in tech or hospitality—or any other field. Identifying and solving problems makes you a hot ticket for employers.
  • Leadership is always in demand, as these skills are essential for guiding and motivating your team.
  • Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand your emotions and your team’s feelings. This soft skill helps teams stay cohesive even in stressful situations.
  • Collaboration skills are vital because most roles today do not operate in a vacuum.
  • Intercultural awareness and sensitivity are fundamental in our increasingly global economy. Employers will be interested in your candidacy if you have a track record of working with a diverse team.

Looking For a Career Change?

Bluebird Staffing has hot jobs for candidates with these and other soft skills. If you’re ready to make a career change, call on us. We can help you make your move.

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